Thursday, June 12, 2008


Ok, we did it.  I woke up first and took the dog for a 35 min walk around the Walmart and surrounding parking lots.  Then got B and took her into WM so Pat could get some extra Zs.  Unfortunately, this WM did not have a McD's, so B settled on a donut from the bakery for breakfast.  

Everyone who knows me can take a moment to pick themselves up off the floor.  Yes, I let my daughter eat a deep fried piece of white bread coated in sugar so that my husband could sleep late in an RV in a Walmart parking lot.  Somebody shoot me now.....

OK, back to the story.  Back at the RV at 9am.  For some reason it took us until 11:30am to drive off.  We were all moving slow due to sleep deprivation, I think.  Plus, I wanted to take the time to make some healthy food for the road.  Next time, I'll try to do that while driving, although cutting things while we are flying over bumpy roads can get a little dicey.

Pretty uneventful drive to MtRushmore KOA.  Pat did 2/3 of driving, and the winds were very strong in the badlands.  Pulled into KOA at 9:30pm mountain time.  Pat says it looks like the Disneyland of campgrounds.  I already love it and don't want to leave.  Too cold to walk around - I think it's around 50 and we're dressed for summer.  Will be pulling out the clothes I planned for Canada tomorrow!

This is the nicest campground we have reserved on our trip.  Meaning the ammenities.  I think it is our only full-hookup (long warm showers!) on the whole trip.  And it has a general store, a laundromat, a restaurant & coffee shop, and entertainment on the premises including horseback riding.  Very cool.  OK, it's after midnight now, I'm going to bed.  Currently, the wind is blowing and rocking the RV.  Feels like being on a boat!

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