Thursday, July 3, 2008

Change of Plans again!

We spent one night at Gunnison, CO KOA, but found it too depressing to stay. We are learning the hard way that the wonderful Mt. Rushmore KOA we enjoyed at the beginning of our trip is more the exception than the rule. We steeled ourselves for a third straight day of driving/riding to NM and are now in the Las Vegas, NM KOA (located b/n Santa Fe and Taos). It's ok at this campground, not great, but doable.

Our plan for the rest of the week - do some much-needed laundry tomorrow with some pool-time (thankfully, there is a pool here), on Friday, go into Santa Fe and see what's doin' for the Fourth. On Sat, Pat and B plan to go horseback riding, I will probably take the dog for a short hike in same area. We will start driving home on Sunday.


Grandma Kate said...

Have fun! Enjoy the pool! Have a Happy Fourth of July! Bang Bang.

Bridge have a wonderful birthday!

Love you all

Oma said...

The pictures look like something from a movie! Of course B looks like a movie star, so she fits right in!
HAPPY FOURTH of JULY!!!! Hope you find a good fireworks display to watch.

Neenaw said...

Happy 4th!! Hope y'all are having a great day. You have had a wonderful trip!! More folks should do this. Take care and have a safe trip home!

Happy Birthday Bridget!