Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Prarie Dog in Banff, CA camground

They call them ground squirrels in Banff. Banff campground great - was told by bus driver Banff stands for "Better Not Ask, Nothing For Free!" The time with the prairie dogs was, though. One of B and my favorite parts. We also did some hikes and the downtown is very nice. We spent a few hours there yesterday on Monday before driving south (we are currently in Idaho Falls in Walmart parking lot - hoping to get to Colorado tonight). In Banff yesterday, we went to a lovely organic tea shop and B and I had small pots of rooibos peach and lavendar early grey - the earl grey was unique and delicious so we bought some of that to bring home.

1 comment:

Grandma Kate said...

Sounds like you and B had a nice day together. Save a cup of that tea for me. Sounds delious!